• Never, unless U have taken a "Hit" to Ur bumper that should have set it off & that's kinda hard to judge. John
  • I asked Jim about this Ed and he said that he didn't know they needed to be serviced. Old School would be able to answer that question, though. Maybe if he sees this he'll jump on the thread and answer it. Happy Saturday! :) ((hugs))
  • About as often as you have your trunk serviced. So long as there's no structural damage, you're fine to leave it untouched.
  • There really isn't anything in an SRS/Airbag system to service. The system essentially consists of the following: 1) The airbag(s). The explosive (gas generator) part of the airbag is sealed. The unsealed part is cloth similar to the upholstery. Maybe after 50 years you might see the cloth deteriorate somewhat, but I doubt even that would occur. 2) A bunch of electronics. Just as your stereo receiver and television set don't require 'servicing', neither does the airbag system. The airbag/SRS control unit monitors the circuits in the system. If it detects a fault, it lights up a warning light on the dashboard. If that happens, then you need to have the fault diagnosed and repaired. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Note: When airbags first were installed on cars (late-80s/early-90s), some manufacturers recommended having the airbag system "inspected" after 8 or 10 years. This was more of an a$$-covering recommendation than anything based on real data. The systems were new, so they were not quite sure how they would hold up in the real world. But the engineers have done a good job and SRS systems have proven to be very reliable.
  • after every wreck where the airbag is deployed.

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