• My mother made them when I was small and had a cold. You need the dry mustard (may find it in Supermarkets or definately a health food store). As you fill the tub (with the hottest water you can tolerate), sprinkle in a quarter cup of dry mustard. When the tub is full, soak in this bath at least 10 minutes. This remedy is supposed to draw colds and other germs from your body and has also been known to bring on a woman's period. Another mustard remedy for coughs or a sore throat is a mustard plaster. Mix dry mustard in a half a cup of hot boiled water and make a paste. Place this paste in the center of a small face towel and fold a few times (no more than two-three times). Place this cloth on your throat and after several minutes, you should feel a burning sensation (this is the drawing effect mustard has). Remove immediately when the burning becomes to strong. When you remove the cloth, the area will be red. Cover your throat immediately and don't let it get cold. The redness should disappear in a few minutes. These remedies are oldies, but goodies :-)
  • Does it also help sore joints or should I use something else for that
  • Im from Pakistan and where i come from (Pakistan) we like to take mustard baths. it is a cleaning ritual which removes toxins and impure thoughts from the body. It also helps us cover the smell of the spices we rub on our bodies everyday.
  • turn on the taps and throw him in lol

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