• Only a very few still live in tipis on a full time basis.
  • The ones I know live in houses. I have never known any of them to live in Teepees or hogans or anything that didn't have 4 walls, a roof and a floor.
  • Not really, tepees were temporary houses for nomadic tribes that followed the bison herds, but since bison are endangered and most native Americans live in houses, Tepees only exist for tourists to take pictures in front of.
  • No. Native Americans do not live in teepees. Many living in long houses. Now they generally all live in houses. I do know of some that -have- teepees, and have used them for rituals or camping (I love sleeping in a Teepee). But as far as living in it all the time, no. As far as Indians... I didn't know India ever had teepees. ^-^
  • the Teepee condos down on 14th.
  • No, they don't. They do live in boxes behind Native American owned casinos, or at least the poor one without connections.
  • The term is Native American, as Indians live in India. Not all Native Americans lived in tipis at any case. It was mainly the Native Americans of the Great Plains who lived in them. A hogan was the primary traditional home of the Navajo people. It is still used by the Navajo today, especially for ceremonies.It is usually round and cone shaped, but now they make them square, with the door facing the east to welcome the rising sun for good wealth and fortune. A wickiup is generally used to label these kinds of dwellings in American Southwest and West. Wigwam is usually applied to these structures in the American Northeast. It is a domed, round shelter .
  • Yes,just as white people still travel across the United States in covered wagons!
  • My friend lives in a condo.
  • Of course not! They live in tents from Wal Mart
  • Or luxury condominiums? ;-)

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