• I indirectly impact people's lives in a positive way, and that really motivates and excites me. That sounds vague, but my job is hard to explain!
  • Lunch time!
  • The thought of working with a particular combination of people which makes my job rather enjoyable.
  • Meeting all kinds of people, who have all kinds of careers, from all over the world.
  • Everything! I love my job. I am a woodworker (finish carpenter) by trade. I can't believe I actually get paid (and quite well) for doing what I love.
  • The Asian women!
  • I always loved every job I ever had. I am a task-oriented person. So at the beginning of each day there was a certain amount of "work" to accomplish. At the end of each day, having accomplished that work and anything else that came up, I was excited, satisfied, pleased and could go home, be at ease and look forward to the next day's tasks. :) ((hugs))
  • The fact that when I get to work, I can play on answerbag all day long. I have the dream job where I get paid to answer the phone and play on the computer. ^-^
  • getting to taste free ice cream all day if i wanted other than that yeah, nothing
  • Total creative control!Waa haa haaaaaa!
  • I have the ability to help change people's lives for the better. It is depressing when changes aren't made, but it is invigorating when people do change.
  • Meeting new people daily & payday I get really excited when I know its time to get paid! And did I mention the payday??? lol
  • My job as a doula,(childbirth assistant) is very exciting to me. I support, educate & inform women of their choices in childbirth & see them get the birth that they wanted, usually, & to see the happiness on their faces... is very rewarding to me. I am there to witness babies being born & to share this incredible time in lives of families.

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