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  • Tea bagging is where a male staddles the womans face and drops his scrotum into her mouth.
  • well first u get a cup full of water then bring in ur tea bag and constantly dip ur bag in ur cup =)
  • What Packer said, plus it can also refers to a rather nasty prank that is performed much the same way, usually in a guy's dorm or at a camp, etc. The prankster pulls his pants down and sits on the unsuspecting victom's face while he is alseep. He sits so that his sack lands on the victom's eyes. This is a very dangerous prank, as it intails waking somebody up in a very angering fashion whilst your valuable package is bare and vulnerable, well within reach of the now very awake and wrathful victom.
  • I'll give you a tea bag to dip in your mouth HA HA!!! A rather big one at that!!!!!!!!
  • There have been answers here already, but I'm just replying because it reminds me of a funny little scene from Sex and the City. Charlotte's husband Harry had a habit of leaving wet used teabags around the house and Charlotte said to all of them at lunch 'We have a teabag situation'. Samantha's like 'Oh honey just breathe through your mouth' LOL.
  • Testosterone Bagging?
  • Tea bagging.
  • It's what Republicans do at "tea parties."
  • It's a common practice in the porn industry like fluffing.

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