• Venus and Mercury are the only planets without moons. Regards.
  • no poor lonely planet all by its self
  • 1) "Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no moons at all; Earth has one large moon (the Moon); and Mars has two tiny moons, Phobos and Deimos." Source and further information: 2) "Discovery of the first quasi-satellite of Venus An international team of astronomers, led by Seppo Mikkola of Tuorla Observatory, have discovered that a newly found asteroid is in a very special orbit, the first of its kind. The asteroid, called 2002 VE68, was discovered in 2002 at Lowell Observatory. Like all asteroids, its orbit takes it around the Sun, with asteroids closer to the sun circling more rapidly and completing a "year" in a shorter time. The "year" for VE68 is shorter than the Earth year, clocking in at a little under 225 days. This is almost exactly the same as the "year" of the planet Venus --- and it turns out that like synchronised divers in the olympic games, both VE68 and Venus are travelling around the Sun nearly in lock-step. This means that VE68 has a very special property as seen from Venus: it appears to travel around the Venusian sky about once every Venus year. If you didn't know that VE68 is really travelling around the Sun, you might declare that Venus has a moon (or satellite) of its own. Because its orbit is centered on the Sun, VE68 is not a real satellite of Venus in the sense that the moon is a satellite of the Earth. However, since it appears to travel around Venus, it is called a quasi-satellite. Very few quasi-satellites are known in the Solar Sytem. VE68 is the first quasi-satellite of Venus; two cases of asteroids in such orbits are known for the Earth and one for Mars (this is a special case where the asteroid is going to become a quasi-satellite in the near future). Tuorla astronomer Seppo Mikkola has been associated with the discovery of all of them." Source and further information: Further information:
  • If i remember from school, Venus has no satellites, so that would make me thing, it doesnt have moons either.

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