• You can't.
  • According to the Bee Movie with Seinfeld, according to our laws of physics bees aren't even supposed to be able to fly! So my facts are coming from a cartoon...... still - anything is possible! Maybe you can't break the laws of phsyics... but you can change them ;o)
  • Yes, all you need to do is relocate to Toon-town
  • You cannot break the laws of physics.
  • You can't.
  • dont show up for court on time
  • Remember about imagination is important than knowledge. Use your imagination and a little Science then wola there it is you can break any laws even laws of your country. I too wants to break a law of Physics. I want to travel through other dimension and in the future. We have a little problem because breaking the laws of Physics is breaking the balance of Nature and everything. Thanks for reading my senseless idea. No body cares about it.
  • You will need: * 2 cups all-purpose flour, stirred or sifted before measuring * 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1 egg, slightly beaten * 1 1/2 cups milk * 2 tablespoons melted butter 1. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. 2. In a separate bowl, combine the egg and milk. 3. Add the egg and milk to the flour mixture, stirring only until smooth. 4. Blend in melted butter. 5. Cook on a hot, greased pan, using about 1/4 cup of the mixture for each piece. 6. Cook until brown on one side and around edge, flip over and brown the other side. And you've done it! The laws of physics have been broken! Serving suggestion: ice cream or maple syrup on top.
  • how can you break the laws of physics? By finding a phenomenon so strange as to not be explained by the current laws of physics. Of course, the current laws of physics are pretty good, ... you'll have to look REALLY hard to find this phenomenon. Like building a circular tunnel 27km around and smashing bits of atoms together at a fraction of the speed of light, for example!

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