• Disney might be more touchy about this than some other businesses. You have already paid the license fee, which was passed on by the seller, so as long as you don't try to imply that Disney endorses your product or is connected in any way with it, you should be OK. Perhaps using a disclaimer might help. I run into this a lot when I use published patterns to make gifts which I then sell.
  • I believe that a law suit was brought against many EBay sellers that was a combined effort by Disney, Marvel Comics and I believe Nas Car, and the NFL. The lawsuit went in favor of the EBay retailers as the judge found that the royalties were already paid by the licensed manufacturer and that getting the end user to pay again would be a double royalty which would be unfair. I guess if you are not going to mass distribute and sell to major retail outlets you could be fine. I do not think that Disney etc will try to bring this action again. JH

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