• I can honestly say I don't care if they do or not..they must die!! LOL
  • I would believe so, as evidenced by the writhing legs, though I am assuming they lived to feel much pain.
  • i dont know why dont you ask one next time??
  • Of course they can!!!!!
  • They do not have any nerves and their bodies are very protective. They don't have brains; they have antenna that help them feel their surroundings. Because they do not have have nerves or brains, they cannot feel pain.
  • Who cares just crush the little guys, i just got rid of most of the roaches that came out of no where in my apartment. The best way to get rid of them is boric acid and those little hot shot traps the ones with liquid in them. They work good give it a couple of weeks but they really do work.
  • We have approximately the same amount of evidence indicating that cockroaches feel pain as we do with regards to other people. Technically speaking, the only beings we can be totally certain feel pain are... well, ourselves, but cockroaches react in roughly the same ways that we do when physically harmed, so the logical conclusion would be... Yes, they do. Although considering the fact that having a gigantic foot come straight down on you would likely destroy your brain at about the same instant as it did the rest of your body, how much time there is for a stepped-on cockroach to feel the pain of being stepped on before its brain and nervous system go kaput is kind of up for debate.
  • I hope so they deserve to die plainful deaths...they are evil!
  • I hope so...I despise roaces. I come form the FL which is the land of the Roach Rodeo. Those things freak me out especially the females who fly....yuck....
  • I am sure they do.....I will be sure to ask one the next time I get ready to crush the bugger....;)

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