• a lot actually its one of the things that made us get involved in vietnam part of china use to be us terrictory also until we decided it was to much of a pain and also that is korean war time frame and that was UN hope that helps a little my history kinda forgotten little bit from this been while since looked at any of it
  • We finished a war in Japan, started another in Korea, and China had resolved a civil war with the Communist Party taking over. The US felt the need to be tough on Communism otherwise the "dominoes might fall" and more nations could become allies to our enemy. We also thought that all Communist countries were one unified cause (even tough China and Russia fought over Asian dominance and the Vietnamese HATED the Chinese). In local politics, Communist spies were out-ed and that spurred a witchhunt (McCarthyism). We also helped out the French as they fought to preserve their spheres of influence in SE Asia. We gave them a blank check as they fought Communist nationalists and when France gave up, we took over in the 60's.

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