• Its waste full.They kill the shark,cut off its fins, and throw the carcass back into the sea.
  • The shark doesn't go to waste, other parts of the shark are eaten and are used for medicinal purposes. Shark skin is eaten in various parts of the world, particularly in Japan, Taiwan Province of China, Solomon Islands and Maldives. Shark skin is usually dried, then the dermal denticles are removed, the skin bleached and dried again. In Japan shark skin with flaws are used to produce the gelatinous food nikigori. In Taiwan Province of China, skin from the dusky shark and the whale shark is served in restaurants, as is also the upper part of the tail fin from thresher sharks. White-spotted guitarfish gives the best quality skin from the tail fin. In the Solomon Islands shark skin is salted, dried or smoked with little meat left on the skin. Usually it is salted and then sun dried or smoked. Then it is boiled and the denticles rubbed off. Finally it is cooked with coconut milk to prepare soup. Processing of the product called shark lips involves removing the denticles from the dried skin, bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water to remove the residual bleaching agent and re-drying before marketing. It is rehydrated before cooking. The cooked skin is soft, smooth and juicy and is sold in Singapore and Malaysia under the name fish lips. Shark stomach is eaten in the Solomon Islands, Australia, Taiwan Province of China and Uruguay. In the Solomon Islands processing of shark stomach is similar to that for shark skin described above. Shark liver has been traditionally used as food in the Solomon Islands and China, amongst others. In the Solomon Islands the liver is sliced, salted and eaten but it can also be eaten fresh after harvesting and cooking or preserved by salting and, much later, cooked before eating. Shark cartilage is used as an ingredient for soups as it is considered a healthy tonic in the East Asian region. For example the processing of boiled-dried cartilage (meikotsu) made from pieces of jaw, fin and head parts. These are soaked in hot water, the meat is removed and then the cartilage is boiled and sun-dried. This product was also exported to China and possibly eaten as a health supplement as well. In Hong Kong dried shark cartilage is sold as vertebral columns or as a by-product of shark fin processing. The former are mostly imported into Hong Kong from North and South America. They are cooked and eaten as food or boiled in soups or with herbs to improve health. In the Maldives gulper shark eggs are eaten. Salmon shark heart is prepared as sashimi in Kesennuma, Japan.
  • They get certain types of sharks, de-fin them, and throw the fin-less (and most of the time still live) shark carcasses and throw them in the sea. The sharks die of suffocation or are eaten by other creatures.
  • Shark meat is actually good. I used to fish for shark in WA State, and we would get the shark called "dog fish" or "sand shark". They average 3 feet but can be larger, and can be gotten from a dock without a boat. They are easy to clean -- not all those little bones like in fresh water fish. the meat is firm and mild. I would put anything left in my pressure canner to make cat food, then can it. I would not doubt that some cat foods have shark meat in them. Shark liver oil is used in hemorroid creme, as it supposedly shrinks the tissue. Women have even been trying it on their wrinkles.
  • From what I see, illegal fishermen just take the fin and throw the living shark back. I can't understand that,because shark meat is fine to eat.
  • They use the fin. What a surprise. I read an article many years back about fin hunters who catch the shark, cut off the dorsal fin and release what's left of the shark. It can't swim and has a pretty miserable death
  • no fishing for sharks is legal, pishing for sharksonly to cut off the fins and throw them back is illegal...gogle it, the sharks are endangered not just by poachers but by the entire fishing industry overfishing sharks. In asia shark is used in lots of medicines and foods and not just the fin.
  • No they only cut off the fins and throw the live shark to the onean to die

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