• uhhh.yeah
  • It is bad to go tanning in a tanning bed, at any time. They are linked strongly to skin cancer. But to think of going while pregnant. That can overheat your body and put the baby at risk.
  • any form of radiation is bad when your pregnant
  • well duh.. i wouldnt reccommend it..
  • omg! yea! don't do that!!! don't even do it while not pregnant..but don't let your child be at risk..risk yourself not your baby..!!!!!!
  • ofcourse not, maybe you'll give birth to a ninja turtle
  • Although both doctors are in agreement that they UVA and UVB rays emitted by the bulbs in tanning beds can be as dangerous as the rays of the sun to human skin tissues, those rays do not penetrate far enough into the body to harm a foetus. However, some mid-wives, obstetricians and gynaecologists do have some concerns about pregnancy and tanning beds. During the first trimester of pregnancy, these health experts do not advise pregnant women to indulge in any activity that might raise their body temperature such as hot tubs, saunas and tanning beds. The overheating of the mother's body (also called hyperthermia) is associated with some spinal malformations. It should also be noted that typically hyperthermia develops after the mother's body is exposed to temperatures of 102 Fahrenheit or more for several hours. Still, it comes to pregnancy and tanning beds, there has been a suggested link between ultraviolet rays and folic acid deficiency. Folic acid is responsible for preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Some health experts also maintain that the skin of a pregnant mother is more sensitive to ultraviolet rays and may be at a greater risk of acquiring unexpected sunburn. If you are concerned about your pregnancy and tanning beds and then you are advised to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from both the sun and tanning beds. If you do decide to get an indoor tan, doctors also recommend staying as cool as possible and drinking plenty of fluids to avoid light-headedness and dehydration.
  • Tanning beds are bad period for your skin.

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