• The Continents are Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, and Australia, none of which Hawaii is a part of. Hawaii is a chain of islands in the Southern Pacific formed by volcanic upheaval from the ocean floor, and some minimal coral influances, and lays with-in what is called the ring of fire. In fact, if measured from the bottom of the ocean where it originates, Mauna Loa would be considered the tallest mountain on the planet. Eruptions, and pressures still form and sustain The Hawaiian Islands, and as we speak, there happens to be the latest in forming, another Island that will no doubt poke its first surface area above sea level with-in most of our lifetimes, cool huh! I hope this helps in giving one an idea as to where and what Hawaii is in relation to continents. Peace!
  • G'day Coogan, Thank you for your question. Hawaii isn't part of any continent although it is politically part of the United States. Hawaii is part of the Polynesia region of Oceania which is the name given to islands in the Pacific including the continent of Australia. Hawaii is one point of the so-called Polynesian triangle together with New Zealand and Easter Island (Rapa Nui). This area was originally settled by people with a common cultural background. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Oceania Wikipedia Polynesia Wikipedia Polynesian triangle
  • what continent is hawaii located
  • Hawaii is an island not part of a continent
  • north american

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