• The one we use are Arabic/Indian. The Romans, that the western world used, (I, II, III, IV...X...C...M.. etc) Had no zero. There is more one can do with the modern series of numbers than the Roman numbers. One tiny example is the saving of space: Today is Thursday 14 August 2008 In Latin using roman numerals today is: Dies iovis XIV Augustus MMVIII Not too bad, but in 1983 the year was MCMLXXXIII - kind of a long string of digits to deal with. The Base Ten system of numbers we use: 1, 2, 3,.... 10 11, 12, 13...20, 30, 40... 90 91, 92, 93... 100 Etcetera. Is relatively easy to use, and is 'easy' to see and read in our number system where eac graduation of a power of ten only adds one digit 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 etc. As for a person - no one knows. The Indian/Arabic system are first seen in Buddhist texts from around 300 BC Zero came into use around the 6th century AD, The Decimal point around the 10th century AD. none of these steps in the evolution of our number system are attributed to one man.

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