• * Young drivers in South Dakota (14-24 years of age) represent 17.2% of the total licensed drivers and yet they represent 39.9% of drivers involved in alcohol-related fatal and injury crashes * Young drivers in South Dakota (14 - 24 years of age) represent 17.2% of the total licensed drivers and yet they represent 48.5% of drivers involved in fatalities and injury crashes related to speeding * Out of 7,004 fatal and injury crashes in 2006 drivers aged 14 - 24 were involved in 2,325 of them These statistics so worried SD that they started a special program called "Alive at 25" designed to increase safe driving behavior in young adults aged 14-24. Nationwide, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 have death rates four times that of a driver age 25-29 years. Drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 cause over $40 billion in damages. Drivers between the age of 15 and 20 accounted for only 6.9 percent of all licensed drivers, but were involved in 16.0 percent of all accidents and 14.0 percent of all fatal accidents. In 2005, 23% of teenagers killed were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Teenagers are about 10 percent of the US Population but account for 12 percent all fatal car crashes. Teens are more likely to speed and tailgate, least likely to wear a belt as 70% of them died without wearing one and more likely involved in high risk driving behaviors, drugs and alcohol use. Passenger vehicle driver deaths per 100,000 licensed male drivers: 16-19 = 38 20-24 = 29 25-29 = 17

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