• They don't. Their hands are pinkish on one side, and dark on the other, the hue depending on their coloration. Why? Genetics.
  • Even "white" people don't have white hands. In order to get the correct color with paints, we have to mix correctly. Even members of the same race have a large variety of skin colors. As a matter of fact, each individual body varies in color; upper arms, lower legs, thighs, stomach, chest, cheeks, temples, hands, feet are all slightly, or not so slightly, different in hue. We humans come is such a wide variety of colors. Even the skin tones of peoples from the same region can vary due to exposure to sunlight or lack there of, not to mention the people around the world can vary in skin tone from dark brown to a pale light pink. See this link for painting miniatures:
  • Peple could ask the same question about white people, or why theyve got the same "bland" skintone. But to answer your question, its not white. No one has white palms (not that I know of), its always felshy or pink. And even Hispanic people (no matter how dark or light) have the same palm coloring as everyone else. No person is one full color, everyone has about five or ten different shades of a oclor on their body. We'd look weird if we didnt.
  • Because thier human...oh yeah and we bleed red too..or did you expect ink?
  • the only black people i have seen with white hands had on gloves at a funeral
  • You commented that some may have dr you b/c they are too sensitive? Perhaps. But if you had been hit on a certain part of your body over a period of time and someone accidentally hit you there you would still hurt. It wouldn't matter if it was an innocent bump or not. With this question they only feel the pain, not the intention. Actually some probably never even clicked the post to see what others said. They read the question and took away pts.

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