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Maybe in some cultures they think they are being manly when they hit a woman but not where I come from.
Nope. Real men walk away.
No. This is not debatable.
No, pussies hit women. You wanna be a tough guy try hitting a real man.
Yes. Just like real women hit men.
Absolutely not!
No. Sadly, there are too many "unreal" men around.
No they dont they know whats right and wrong and have respect for women ! :)
Only if they want to get the shit kicked out of them when people find out.If a man has to hit a girl to get his point across, he should be disgusted with himself.
That's a big no.
Well it would be sexist to hit only men. Equality everywhere!!
no real men respect and honor women and are there to comfort women when women are hurt.. they don't do the hurting
no way baby - take your best shot at me, you only get one chance
If someone hits me they will get hit back. I do not believe in violence but i do believe in self defense. We all need to treat each other respecfully. but, if you hit someone you need to expect to get hit back.
No man is a 'real man' if they hit a woman... FULL STOP!
only if she is a manly ass woman bigger than me
never! only an man who thinks he controls ever thing does that. its wrong for men and women to hit each other.
NO! and real women do not hit men
No. Gutless bastards hit women.
No, they dont. And real women do not hit men, either. ~+~
The fist that hit ya with sure feels real..LMAO :)
What is a "real man", really? Is a man who does hit women any less "real" than one who doesn't?
No ... to do so clearly demonstrates the man's lack of understanding, lack of wisdom, lack of self control, lack of civilized behaviour, and proves beyond any doubt that this violent man does not deserve to be allowed access to a civilized society ... he should be imprisoned with other violent offenders.
The one that hit me was real enough. well it sure as hell felt like it anyway
No-- Real bullies do though !
I have learned the hard way that real decent men do not hit women.
It depends on your defenition of a real man. I would say no, but women seem to prefer the macho bossy type more than other and they might hit vomen or be werbaly abusive. If that type of man is your definition of a real man then the answer is yes.
Yes. Real men don't hit anybody except in direct defence of themselves or others. So I wouldn't hit anybody, male or female, just to impose my will on them or to punish them. But I would certainly hit a woman coming at me with a knife or about to shoot my children.
Never. A physical attack is the cowards way out. It usually happens when the guy has a brain cramp and lashes out. Get a grip on yourself guys.
right now i only hit ppl if only way to defend myself.. for the most part women don't start shit so ive never had to hit any lol. in the above situtation, reasonably, right now i would not have hit her back, even thought you probably could have legally done so. 1. she wouldn't have hit again, so no need to defend 2. i woulda thought there woulda been somebacklash from those sheep, so in my self interest woudln't have hit nonetheless, i'm wrinting this now, i don't know how i would react in the spur of the momment. if i would react reasonably or with emotion. is one better than the other? it's life to act with emotion? also, that bitch is a bitch.
Nope not at all.
Yes. If the woman is stupid enough to hit a man on her own term, then she deserves a lickin.
No and vise versa . No one should hit anyone.
NO!Never.Punks,Cowards,Pussies,Bitches,Pricks,Idiots,Morons,Dumbasses,Losers,jackasses hit women/girls. MEN DO NOT HIT WOMEN.Guys who hit women and claim they are men aren't men.Yea i guess it makes you a man when you have to beat up a woman because you know you can't beat up a man because you would get your ass whooped.yea,what a man.It makes you a man when you have to fight a defensless woman who's not as strong as you and weighs less than you.*Rolls eyes* Real men would never lay a hand on a woman like that
no. boys inside who wish they knew how to be a real man hit women.
No, but sometimes they hit ON them. Seriously though, real men never hit women.
Real men and real women don't hit one another period. The only time I think it is acceptable is in self-defense which does sometimes happen. If a woman continues to assault the man, uses a weapon, or she is bigger and stronger than the guy (which occasionally happens) he has a right to defend himself. That is called equal rights and frankly the law needs to get smarter about that. However, no man should ever initiate violence against women.
People shouldn't hit each other period. I am sort of a feminist and I detest violence. I vowed I would be fair and I cringe when I see female friends of mine playing the victim role. If we throw the first punch, the guy has a right to defend himself. I am pretty strong from the work I have done in the past and working out and was stronger than some of my guy friends as some were stronger than me. In other words, I could have hurt a few guys. If I get violent, I should expect the same in return. If you lay your hands on someone expect to get the same in return. Men aren't any less of a person than women if blows are exchanged, both sides are wrong.
No one should hit one another. If someone is stupid enough or brave enough to put their hands on someone else, that person has a right to defend themselves. If a man starts it he is a slimeball, but the same applies to a woman.
I hate to say this, but sometimes.
no .. only freakin' a$$holes do
no.real men forgive
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