• Warnings so that helicopters and light airplanes don't fly into them. Might warn off birds as well - a lot of large bird such as swans have accidents on power lines.
  • it just might be a resistor or transistor.
  • They create interferance and add some weight to deal with wind turbulance to keep the lines from whipping around and snapping off during wind storms. JJ
  • I am a manufacturer of these balls. ImAlec is correct. These balls are used to make the power lines more visible, whether the line needs to be visible for planes, helicopters, birds, or large equipment operating under the power line (wich I'm sure is what Groo V saw). For more information please see our web site:
  • I used to live in nebraska and they had those balls all over, we were told that they were to protect the birds (sand hill cranes mainly) In high population areas of the cranes those balls were everywhere, we were told that if some one came up and scared a group or for when the birds/cranes were just flying around that they were supposed to mark the lines so the birds/cranes wouldn't get into them killed or injured,

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