• The greater hitter of the two was Williams--the last man to bat over .400 in the big leagues. DiMaggio was a better all around player because he could field his position well with a strong throwing arm. He could hit for high averages and hit home runs. He was also a wise, fleet-footed base runner.
  • Ted Williams, but thats only because im a sox fan.
  • That's a hard question, Joe Dimmagio beat out Williams two or three times but Williams was one of the best ballplayers. Joe Dimmagio hit in 56 strait games, but Ted Williams hit a .406 single season average. As a Yankee fan I'd have to go with Joe Dimmagio, but a pretty good question.
  • Joe DiMaggio ...he was a Yankee.....enough said..
  • Even though he WAS a frakin' Yankee and, even worse, seemed to like it, DiMaggio was the better player. DiMaggio was more balanced. Williams wasn't a great defensive player. Though if we were at home, bottom on the 9th, based loaded and the score tied I would want to see Williams at the plate rather than DiMaggio.
  • Without a doubt it was Joe D!
  • Without a doubt, Joe D!!
  • Ted Williams was the greater hitter -- his lifetime slugging average is second only to Babe Ruth's. But for all-around play, I'd pick Joe DiMaggio. He was an incredibly good center fielder -- the other players would watch to see how he was playing each batter; he was aware of everything that was going on. Williams, by contrast, was put in left field (Dom DiMaggio was in center!), where he would practice his swing between batters -- not, I hope, during an at-bat.
  • Joe D was great, But I think that Ted Williams was better. Williams was a two-time American League Most Valuable Player (MVP) winner, led the league in batting six times, and won the Triple Crown twice. He had a career batting average of .344, with 521 home runs. He is the last player in Major League Baseball to bat over .400 in a single season (.406 in 1941). Williams holds the highest career batting average of anyone with 500 or more home runs. His .551 on base percentage set a record that stood for 61 years. That is incredible. He was also a great sport fisherman, and he was inducted into the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame.

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