• If you have a skilled listed in the NAFTA treaty, you can get a TN visa at the border, assuming that you already have the employment as well as proof of skill and your letter of employment. There is a small fee to pay. If you aren't listed in NAFTA, you will need to get employed by a company that is willing to sponsor you for a work visa. Otherwise, you are SOL, we don't allow American citizens to work in Canada without either a TN Visa or a sponsored work visa. In either case, you will still need a letter of employment before you can enter the country. You cannot apply for them when you are already here.
  • I was looking through Immigration Expert and it looks like u need to pay $400 for the visa in addition to your passport. Is that accurate? "The Canadian Experience Class will allow certain temporary foreign workers and certain foreign student graduates with managerial, professional, or technical or trade work experience to apply to become permanent residents, and eventually Canadian citizens. In order to qualify under the proposed changes, graduates of a Canadian post-secondary educational institution with Canadian work experience would need to meet the following minimum requirements: * temporary resident status in Canada at the time of their application; * successful completion of a program of study of at least two academic years (an academic year means eight months of study); * one year of skilled, professional or technical work experience; and * moderate or basic language skills, depending on occupational skill level. Furthermore, under the proposed changes, temporary foreign workers would need to demonstrate the following minimum requirements in order to qualify: * temporary resident status in Canada at the time of their application; * two years of skilled, professional or technical work experience; * moderate or basic language skills, depending on occupational skill level."
  • Check this out too for yourselves

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