• use a gentle ph balanced soap.add 4 drops of lavender and 4 drops of tea tree to your regular moisturiser and mix well .If your spots are pus filled place tea tree directly on to the spot as well after you moisturise.I am a holistic therapist
  • I've been a BIG acne sufferer and have used EVERYTHING!!! Name it, honey, I've bought it, used it, and abused it! What I do now and it has kept my acne at bay....finally. ****** Important, when I cleanse, everytime, I pump cleanser onto an Eyeglass cleaning cloth - you know the cloth they give you when you buy sunglasses or glasses. I believe this cloth does exactly what it does on for your glasses, clean it real good without scraping or causing your skin to be irritated as this cloth does not scratch your fragile eyeglass or camera lenses. ****** 1. 2 different cleansers-morning and night. -Morning: Clinique liquid facial soap - I use the mild formula (altho it is for dry combination) b/c I have extremely sensitive skin. It is great b/c it doesn't over dry. -Night: Because I wear makeup - I use makeup removing cloths to get all the makeup off real good. Then, I use Kiehl's Non-detergent cleanser for oily/combo skin with few drops of tea tree oil mixed into it. 2. Astringent - Kieh's Blue herbal cleanser for night time and Witch Hazel with tea tree oil in the morning. ***wait a few minutes fr skin to calm down. ***If acne treatment needed - all over treatment - something with both a little bit of benzoyl peroxide - DDF Benzoyl Peroxide 5% treatment and use salicylic acid - both is necessary for the antibacterial and exfoliation effect to keep pores clean. **Spot treatment is good too, but if you want, you can also add a drop or 2 or tea tree oil and gentley rub it in. 3. Use a good sunscreen in the morning - oil free water based formula to protect your skin. Sun can cause more dead skin cells to clog your pores - important in keeping you skin from UV and more acne! 4. Oil Free Moisturizer that keeps your skin moist enough so that it won't produce extra oil. I use Kiehl's Sodium PCA oil free lotion 5. Eyecream - I use a light formula for younger skin with SPF. I think it is important to protect your sensitive eye area from harsh rays too! 6. then you can put on makeup or is a whole new subject.... 7. Mask and exfoliation are key!!! Remember to use a good mask (I use clay masques) and exfoliation - gentle enough not to irritate your skins and cause more acne! hope this helps!
  • One of the first things to look at with acne is diet. Start by cutting out refined carbyhydrates - anything containing white sugar or white flour (studies have shown that in societies where refined foods are not eaten, acne is virtually unheard of) up your vitamin and zinc intake (fruits, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, nuts, shellfish, eggs) and drink plenty of water. This should make a fair bit of difference on its own. Skin treatments need to be kept as simple as possible- many of the harsh spot treatments sold (including those with tea tree oil which although useful for treating the odd blemish is pretty useless for full blown acne) just irritate skin. Use a gentle soap-free wash, rinse well, and moisturise with a small amount of aqueous cream. Try not to use too much make-up- it can clog the pores and make things worse. Its a good idea to exfoliate once or twice a week- use a scrub that says for "sensitive skin" rather than one for oily skin which tend to contain harsh products that can make the problem worse, and scrub gently, rather than scour! For a soothing treatment once a week, rinse your face with warm (not hot) strong chamomile tea and follow with a mask made up from one cup natural yoghurt to 3/4 cup ground oatmeal and leave on for ten minutes before massaging in gentle circular movements and rinsing off. If after six weeks you are seeing no improvement, chances are you have a hormonal problem and its worth speaking to a doctor about treatment.
  • I wonder if ichthamol (drawing salve) might help. Don't know, never tried it. It comes in two versions that I know of, the brown coal-tar stuff that stains terribly, and a pink salve that smells nice. But try the other remedies first and good luck.
  • Oatmeal is a drying agent so be careful in your dry areas. It does work great for itching too. I've havent' heard of tea tree oil for acne but I do know it works on ingrown toe nails. Making a brown sugar paste/just brown sugar and water is a good exfoliater. Removes all the dead dry skin which can contribute to acne.
  • Tea tree oil can be used, but I found that this really helps: You can even get a free 5-part report.
  • Tea Tree Oil could help, but I found that this really worked:
  • i wash my face first with an organic face wash and lightly buff w/ a towel then i use a damp towel w/drops of tea tree oil on it an hold on my face for a few sec.s at a time and last rub vitamin e oil all over my face in a light layer and sleep w/ it on. it is the only thing tat has worked in 8 yrs! it cleared up my acne in one week and the scars already look a lil lighter it is amazing and natural.
  • If it bad enough to bother you why use AB and home remedies, why not see a dermotoligist?

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