• If you keep your hair up all the time, you're probably not losing any more than normally - you're just getting it out all at once. Braiding your hair while wet isn't particularly horrible, unless your combing is too harsh, and you're braiding really tightly. Remember that it's perfectly normal to lose upwards of 100 hairs a day, and that combing wet hair often leads to breakage. It may be prudent to wait until your hair is drier before combing it out. Wet hair is like stretched elastic - VERY easy to break.
  • You need to soak the ends of your hair in mane n- tail shampoo, that will keep it strong, and keep it from breaking. I hope you don't cut your hair, it sounds like it looks great.
  • Same thing happened to me when i was in my forties, my stylist recommended prenatal vitamins. It helped.
  • Hormone changes happen around 40 which set your body up to prepare for meonpause which is just around the corner. Hair thins, it gets harder to lose weight and easy to gain it, some women even get adult acne at this age? You are supposed to lose 80 to 100 hairs a day max anyway so it probably looks like a lot more if it is waist length? Keep it trimmed and healthy and try taking hair and nail vitamins that contain biotin.
  • I just turned 53 yesterday and I remember when I went through that, I still remember when my sisters were going through it also. My hair is still waist length, but now I am not losing hair anymore, just stopped this year, you sound like you are at an early menopause, mine started at 44 years old and I was very healthy. Right now I have lots of short hairs growing back in, so don't worry, the longer the hair, the bigger the wad looks when you get it off the comb, shower floor. For us there may be 10 hairs, for someone with short hair to have this much in their hand, they'd have to lose 40 hairs! Get it? It's part of the hormonal imbalance?
  • I have heard that braiding your hair when wet is bad, but what do I know. I hear lots of good things about this website. I use it for another reason as it slows down the growth of gray hair, but will definitely help you grow more hair. Good Luck!
  • I also have waist length hair. Braiding your hair (and leaving it overnight in the braid) while it is completely wet, can create what is called "track pattern baldness". This is from the tension that the heavy braid puts on the roots of the hair. It can cause it to fall out easier. I used to have this. Now I make sure that my hair is at least half dry before I braid it (which makes it less heavy, therefore less tension) and I also alternate between braiding and putting it in a bun or a large claw clip. I also wear my hair completely down when going to bed at least two times a week, just to give it a rest from any tension. All the best to you. +5
  • Braiding your hair and sleeping with it like this can cause baldness. It would be a good idea to stimulate your scalp at least twice a day, and take a multivitamin. It is best not to sleep with your hair in hair ties as it can cause breakage... If you must, it is best to use a scrunchie.
  • try some of the athome remedies from
  • you should try some homemade recipes. i avoid commercial stuff. nature is kind to us.
  • Mrs. Dufresne is right. Also, your shampoo may be exacerbating the problem. Do you use Pantene? If so, stop. I used the volumizing variety for a while, and although I didn't notice a significant increase in hair loss in the shower, my hair has gotten a lot thinner. If you have very dry hair, switch to Dove, because it's gentle. However, Dove will gunkify your hair if it's already on the oily side. I hope this helps.
  • Go to a great health food store and get some vitamins for the hair. It usually is a good B with folic acid and take it. You may be aging and requiring added nutrients, and you may be going through some hormonal changes which can play havoc with the hair. Also, you may be just going through a period where some hair is falling out for no bad reason, and it is being replaced. I would try the vitamins for sure and check out if your hormones are in balance. Plus, believe it or not, a good trim may be in order. It helps to have a regular trim no matter how long your hair is.

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