• A flock of crows are called a MURDER crows as are many other birds are diernal ( sleep all night up all day ) when you see a muder of crows around sunset they are heading to their roosting area where they will stay untill the next dawn where crows roost is a very noisey place there can be thousands of crows in a single murder and they all want to roost in the same general area they go silent after dark but at the first sign of daybreak they will wake up every thing for miles around
  • A flock of crows is not called a murder. It's called a flock, just like any other bird. Only poets call them murders. They don't particularly fly in any certain direction, they just fly to a particular spot at sunset, because they sleep in groups of hundreds to thousands so they can be protected from owls, or other birds that would try to attack a single crow.

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