• hi,thats a good one,i don't really know...but i think it would be unwise of us to think live isn't on another planet,knowing as we do that life takes many forms..regards..tessa5
  • There are other "solar" systems (Sol is the name of our star so technically they would not be "Solar" systems, maybe Stellar Systems or Extrasolar Planetary Systems). The detection methods have always found finding massive planets easier than "earth-types" but these massive planets are usually gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn. We are starting to find rocky planets, more akin to Earth now though. As for life on them that is currently impossible to tell but personal opinion is that life would be likely. The famous Drake Equation deals with this idea but we are unsure of some of the variables at present so we have to guess. Finding life somewhere else in the Solar System would greatly increase the chances and our best bets are either Europa or Titan at present.
  • Over recent years, a considerable number of solar systam hava bee found round nearby stars. Given the number of systems that have already been found, with detection systems that are still quite crude, it is plausible to think that solar systems are very common. Given that they do appear common, I think it likely that some systems somewhere will have developed life. But they may still be very far away,

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