• It's simply because it tastes good. But then again, that's if they drink real beer and not just yellow water.
  • my parents are in it for the psychoactive sure it startd for the taste...but uh the psychoactive bit...
  • I drink alchole for the psychoactive effect. I hate the taste of alchole(unless it is in a shotter or fancy girl drink)The last beer I drank,I was 17 yrs old and someone had used it for a ashtray all night and I didnt know.Well let me tell ya I puke ashes for the rest of the night.I can bear a sip from my husband if he just opened it and it is cold,otherwize it is rootbeer snapps for me.
  • It would be difficult for one beer drinker to speculate on the motivation behind drinking a beer due to the fact that there are many beer drinkers with different reasons for enjoying drinking beer. I will however, offer some insight as to what my observations have been having enjoyed beer in many different environments with many different types of individuals. I have found that there are individuals who enjoy having a beer or two, they enjoy the taste as well as the relaxing effect of the alcohol. They do not appear to consume the beer purely for the physical effect, they actually enjoy the taste, and in many cases it seems as though the taste of beer to them, is reminiscent of a hard days work that has come to an end, or a project which has finally been completed. It is not abused, for the alcohol, but enjoyed for those other reasons I mentioned as well. I on the other hand, am the type of person who correlates the taste of beer with the physical effect it will have once I have consumed a healthy amount, and although I may not enjoy the flavor of a particular beer, I will press on and finish it, because I seek the effect of the alcohol. That is why I would not be suited to answer this question on behalf of all beer drinkers, our motivations and reasons for enjoying beer differ, they range from enjoying the taste, to enjoying the effects, as well as a combination of the two.
  • I like the variety in the brewing styles. I enjoy a nice stout with it's creamy head and rich dark nutty flavor. A good German Weiss Beer with the wheaty, yeasty goodness. A mildly sweet honey porter. Beer goes great with pizza and Chinese food.
  • I don't drink beer, unless it is in a shandy. I really don't like the taste or the smell much. I would prefer a red wine/shandy.
  • Both reasons but I prefer a real delicious brew from a bottle. Some keg varieties are rather sumptuous as well.
  • I can't speak for others. I drink craft beers because I love the taste and there are many more varieties besides lager.
  • psychoactive effect, plus there is a predisposed factor for alcohol. So, any taste will do, if they want it enough. It can be inherited.

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