• "The term viral video refers to video clip content which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through email or IM messages, blogs and other media sharing websites. Viral videos are often humorous in nature and include televised comedy sketches such as Saturday Night Live's Lazy Sunday and unintentionally released amateur video clips like Star Wars Kid, the Numa Numa song, The Dancing Cadet, The Evolution of Dance and web only productions such as I Got a Crush... on Obama. With the proliferation of camera phones, many videos are being shot by amateurs on these devices. The availability of cheap video editing and publishing tools allows video shot on mobile phones to be edited and distributed virally both on the web by email or website, and between phones by Bluetooth or MMS. These consumer-shot videos are typically non-commercial videos intended for viewing by friends or family." "While the viral video phenomenon has occurred in a largely unstructured manner, a number of organizations are attempting to find marketing strategies that rely on the distribution of viral video, with mixed results." "A lot of the "Viral Video" concept comes from the popularity of YouTube and other related websites. YouTube creates Internet celebrities, popular individuals who have attracted significant publicity in their home countries from their videos. These memes have come from many different backgrounds." Source and further information: Further information: Evolution of Dance

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