• I'd have to be unconscious to do that. I passed every driving test except a sobriety test way back in 1993 and lost my right to drive for a whole year.
  • that sucks! i'm sorry for you...but don't worry, you can try again:-)
  • Online traffic school blows chunks. "Read this thing that a person can read in five can't answer for 40 minutes because we're lame like that...NEXT SECTION!"
  • Haha...yes im laughing at you. Im just picturing you in class doin your hair, texting on your phone while parallel parking, and having the instructor wait in the car while you get your nails done. LOL
  • you must have been distracting the teacher, button your shirt back up and stop being so you untill after class
  • Nope...I passed everything the first time.
  • Your driving a red Miada at 75mph and the drug trafficker is driving a 911 porche at 80mph with 100lbs of coke in the trunk. You both leave L.A. at the same time. After 8 hours of driving which dealer in what county will you have to call to get an 8 ball from the 911 porche trafficker?
  • What's traffic school-like defensive driving?
  • What is traffic School?
  • Why did you fail traffic school? I had to go once after a speeding incident I had. it worked out that I knew like everyone in the class, including my best friend at the time. We had a blast! The teacher wasn't into that and practically gave us the answers for the test. LOL.... Oh man....
  • I didn't fail traffic school per se, but I did fail my driving test the first time I took it. A week later, I took it again and passed it.
  • Well, I've never failed traffic school, but I've been kicked out. I went one morning after a night of drinking, and I fell asleep about 4 times. The guy next to me kept trying to wake me up, but the last time, I woke up and the whole class was looking at me. The teacher was yelling Crawley! Crawley!. He made me stand in the back against the wall, I ended up sitting on the ground and he had enough. That was my first and last time I'll ever go to traffic school.

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