• No particular place- those shapes and sizes are on top around Stonehenge. Transportation I guess to be logs used as rollers. Getting them upright- no guess.
  • The stones that make up Stonehenge are famously Welsh Bluestone, found in Preseli, South Wales- meaning that the builders of Stonehenge would have had to drag the huge stones a distance of several hundred miles from Salisbury Plain. We don't know exactly how they did it, but it's most likely that a system of logs used as rollers (moving the back log around to the front to move the stone forward) would've been used for some of the journey, whilst it is likely they also used sledges (much of the journey would've been iced over at that time) and possibly boats. It would almost certainly have taken several years. Why they decided to use stones from Wales when Wiltshire has perfectly good rocks is anyone's guess. But it is likely that the distinctive Welsh Bluestone had some kind of spiritual significance in the religion of the time.
  • So much nonsense. The larger stones that make up the massive structure are not Welsh, they are from relatively local chalklands. The smaller 'bluestones' are igneous rocks from Wales, it's too complicated to go into the arguments here about the exact types and how they got there.
  • I love it. So many scientist know everything. They know that man evolved from chemicals which was leached from stones into limpid pools 3.5 billion years ago and that these chemical pools developed, themselves, into living organisms and these organisms then felt it best to leave the mire and walk upright. Now, just how advanced DNA information was formed to develope modern man is not explained. Here we see simple stone structures that no one can explain why they and other large strucures like Baalbek were made much less how they were moved and why. They are all full of crap. There is no God, they say...The ancient Picts, hunter gathers, would have, one would think, took time to build these structures. Mention Giants and get laughed and scorn, mention God and get redicule. Mention the Bible and the looks and consternations is worse. Better they say "well, we simply don't know" but let me teach your children about evolution and while I can't prove it, it is the best I can do... Since there ain't no God.
  • 82 bluestones from the Preseli mountains, in south-west Wales were transported to the site. It is thought these stones, some weighing 4 tonnes each were dragged on rollers and sledges to the headwaters on Milford Haven and then loaded onto rafts. They were carried by water along the south coast of Wales and up the rivers Avon and Frome, before being dragged overland again to near Warminster in Wiltshire. The final stage of the journey was mainly by water, down the river Wylye to Salisbury, The Sarsen stones, were almost certainly brought from the Marlborough Downs near Avebury, in north Wiltshire, which is about 25 miles north of Stonehenge. Hope that helps!
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