• Bananas are loaded with potassium. and, of course water. Too much potassium can be harmful to the human body.
  • LOL But we are not monkeys..
  • Bananas and Latex Allergy - Like avocados and chestnuts, bananas and plantain contain substances called chitinases that are associated with the latex-fruit allergy syndrome. There is strong evidence of the cross-reaction between latex and these foods. If you have a latex allergy, you may very likely be allergic to these foods as well. Processing the fruit with ethylene gas increases these enzymes; organic produce not treated with gas will have fewer allergy-causing compounds. In addition, cooking the food deactivates the enzymes.
  • eating or drinking or taking anything in TOO big amounts is harmful for your body. The French have a saying: Trop est trop. meaning too much is too much.
  • I don't think you could eat a harmful amount due to their bulk, you would be sick before you could disturb your electrolytes (potassium).
  • Frankly bananas tend to stop me up, if you know what I mean, but other than that I don't know.
  • It is possible to get too much posassium from bananas, and it could throw off a person's saline (salt) level, since the two work together. If the sodium gets to low and the potassium too high, it throws off the human electrolyte system, and can cause problems from mild gastrointestinal problems to kidney problems, to severe cardiac problems (cardiac arrest-death if) if the NA (sodium) gets too low (below 120 for too long) and the K+ (potassium) gets too high. (above 7-7.5). The safest thing to do is eat foods in moderation, and have a good variety of different foods.
  • I eat 10 over-ripe bananas a week and don't think I have any side effects. Although after reading answer No 2 I dont go to toilet too often but do suffer tummy pains from trapped wind !!
  • Well all i can say is that i eat about 3-4 Bananas aday for a snack or just somthing instead of sweets, crisps and other things, i love Bananas and i feel fine even when eating about 3-4a day..... So but if your eating about 15days flip maybe just cut down and have some apples, grapes or somthing else as well, but am sure people know when enough is enough, but People Enjoy your Bananas!!!!
  • Bananas are also are very much a sedative. They canmake you sleepy. We had to restrict my MIL's banana habit because they made her full and too tired. But we would let her eat one just before going to bed. I would be careful WHEN I would eat ne. Don't expect to get an energy boost from eating one.
  • Too much of one kind of thing cannot be healthy. Too much bananas or too many answers about bananas cannot be healthy either. I say every thing in moderation.
  • You could get too much potassium for one thing. And bananas are very sedative. If you are feeling a little drowsy, I wouldn't eat one as it can put you to sleep.
  • I just ate four bananas in about 5 minutes.... so that's not good right?
  • some bananas, that came from diferent countries are exposed to some kind of gas to acelerate the '' yellow color " i imagine this is not good for your health, i prefer a organic banana, why i have hearburn with the banana that was exposed to gas and none with the organic ones ?
  • My son ( 15 ) will eat over 10 banana's a day and he's fine! I have already taken him to the doctor and he has ran blood test and the doctor said he was great.He's been doing this for months...
  • I eat about 3 bananas a day and a lot of salty food but will the bananas balance out the salt levels of is it just even more unhealthy
  • i have about 3 a day and i eat lots of salty food. does that mean the potassium will balance out the salt or is it even worse for your health?
  • Too much of anything can have a negative effect on your health. While bananas are pretty healthy, you have to make sure you're getting enough of foods with other necessary nutrients as well. As long as you maintain a varied, healthy diet, eating a lot of bananas shouldn't really hurt you. Just make sure you're not just eating bananas and salty food.
  • Bananas can make you constipated. That's never fun.
  • You might turn into a Gorilla.
  • Actually Potassium HELPS cramps in your muscles, especially calves!
  • they are really high in sucrose, and potassium etc so they can have a few positive effects on your health but overdose is possible... in which case you go bananas
  • They are good for weight gain, and eating bananas make you more attractive to mosquitos too! But I love my bananas so I'm generally the fat guy with mosquito bites who won't stop eating them.
  • There has to be such a thing as "too many" which would have a negative effect, but for the most part, bananas are good for you. I even heard about a woman who drank too much water and died, so it's proof that "too much" can kill you. I have no idea how much would be "too much".
  • If i eat too many bananas, i get ulcers of the duodenum. And that's no fun.
  • How many bananas can a person eat for this to be a concern is what I wanna know.
  • Yes. I dont doubt it. You can be poisoned on any vitamin or mineral. Too much water in the system can cause death, too.
  • I know they can constipate you. Other than that, I don't think you can be harmed by eating too many.
  • I can't see why it would have a negative effect. It's better than eating tons of junk food that's for sure.
  • Everything in excess is bad even bananas. Too many will lead to a potassium overload in your digestive system and it would affect your kidneys.
  • I eat about 12 Banana's a day and never suffer from any side effect beside my body weight which is going up every week.
  • I ate 6 bananas for lunch today and the only bad things that's happened so far is that i've had lots of wind and a mighty big poo! =]
  • I hope not, I love bananas.
  • Too much of anything is bad. Bananas contain a lot of potassium. and potassium taken in large doses without magnesium for absorption and processing is bad. but you would have to eat like a thousand to actually get sick from that and having eaten a thousand bananas... Chances are you would puke long before it became a problem.
  • it makes u poop alot! Negative: too much money spent on bananas and toilet paper...
  • Your body can process up to four regular sized bananas in a day, given they are eating throughout the day and not all at once. If you do eat them all at once, the worst that can happen is you'll crap out a loaf of banana bread mix.
  • Eating a lot of bananas is NOT dangerous to your health! It is true that they have potassium, but they also contain many vitamins and minerals. They are one of two fruit that are a complete protein. Bananas are anything but constipating. They are full of fiber, and regulate your digestive system. If you are gaining weight, or constipated, it's because of your lifestyle, not bananas. Personally, I have been eating 10 to 15 bananas a day for 23 years. I also exercise daily, get plenty of rest and sleep, and keep my stress low. At 61, I am enjoying better health than I have ever had. When all is said and done, the banana is the very BEST human food!!!
  • just beacuse you have a nose like a banana dosen't mean you are one of the BUNCH
  • Your intestines become like "full prisoners", not working, and we can´t foresee for how long!!! Well, I can´t tell you with security about other troubles, if ever.
  • So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"
  • I seem to remember something in 'The Anarchist Cokbook' about being able to turn forty pounds of bananas into some sort of drug.

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