• I can't so I can't!
  • Yeah I can. I'm not exactly Joel Turner, but I can beat a few tunes. :)
  • I've been doing it for years without knowing what it was called. Start off with a simple baseline. Work on getting that base thump just right. Use the full range of your throat, tighten the jaw a fraction and just draw your epiglottis down sharply. It might sound rather strangled at first, but with practice you'll be able to adjust the frequency of the base thump. When you've got that down pat, try to have several repetitions of the base thump, in rapid succession, then slowly, then fast and slow, then to a regular beat. Holding the beat is quite important. If you lose it, everyone will know. So work on that next. When you can hold a steady beat without dropping the base or losing time, move onto embellishments. These consist of expelling air through different means out of your nose and mouth. Try an experiment whereby you make the "t" sound out the side of your mouth, out the front and then out the other side. Note how they sound different. Now make a cavity within your mouth and do the same thing, varying the size of the caivity. Do the same for the b noise, the s noise and the p noise. Click your tongue by sucking in or pushing out. Once all these are mastered and played with, you have enough to make a seriously cool beat. Practice, practice, practice. Last bits of advice: Learn how to make several really cool embellishments such that, if you do happen to drop the beat, you can throw one in to keep it going and then return to the beat. If using a microphone, holding it very close to your mouth will alter the sound dramatically. Practice first to get to know the nuances, otherwise you might find the pickup on the mic is set too high for your noise making.
  • No. And most people who think they can, can't.
  • i can too. Again im not amazing but i have been doing it for over 2 years. The best way to learn i feel is going to There are a lot of great videos teaching you from the very simple things to some of the hradest sounds. Also as beatboxing takes a long time to master and mainly involves practice i will only teach you the basics. Firstly you need to make 3 sounds. A kick drum "B", a snare "pff" or "keh" and a hi-hat "t". The was to do them is to say what you see but make them punchy. Next thing to do is to put them together to make a simple beat. I will show you a couple and how they develop in SBN (Standard Beatbox Notation). Firstly this is like the first rock beat you learn when playing drums. B - t - keh - t. You then just repeat that. Now once you can do that you can then develop the beat and try and make it a bit more complex. So you would then do something like this. B - t - keh - t - t - B - keh - t. So now you know how to start so now if you go to and sign up for free. You can talk to people who are a lot better than me and know what they are doing haha.

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