• Be an elitist.
  • There are many Illuminati organisations around the world. Get on the internet and look them up.
  • You can't. You have to be born into it. They consider themselves a separate species. You could become an illuminati minion, one of their dirty little bitches, but they're just expendable little pawns on the grand chessboard. Lots of the minions think they're part of the elite, but they're not. The illuminati may give them lots of money in exchange for selling out the rest of humanity, but in the end, they're going to totally screw them along with everyone else. So, I wouldn't recommend it. Try fighting on the side of humanity. Check out
  • To join the Illuminati you must find one of the important foundations of the Illuminati.The Illuminati is more of a philosophy than a "group" or "elite."The Illuminati "members" are the ones with the knowledge most people do not have,such as insider secrets into the stock market ,military technology, or the occult. To be part of the Illuminati you must have something they want,which could serve their purpose,such as family ties,knowledge,money,works,resources,charismatic personality, political,educational, or practical anything in the world that is important enough to control the power struggle of the world.They usually buy out or offer some level of administration to the overall goal of the philosophy. Most likely if you have to ask you are not qualified to become part of the higher administration to the Illuminati.If they accepted you as part of it you would be a puppet (like most media stars or politicians) and they would use you to give the Illuminati more power over the cattle as they call them and then afterward they would abandon you when they no longer need you.Not to mention you would be working for the Satanic New World Order to create the fascist socialist state desired to make the highest level members the masters over the masses,with people worshiping them as a God just to get the essentials to survive. Most of the people ever shown in the mainstream media have no power at all,they are just puppets.The men behind the curtain is the real power.Read the documents created by Illuminati members or puppets of the Illuminati to decide what you may do to become qualified to join the Illuminati.There is no easy answer you must decide what ability you have that is best to serve the Satanic Illuminati.Its all about power over the masses and if you are a qualifications to deceive the masses to give up their power they will contact you to warn or buy you out when your qualified to join at a higher level to not be a peasant in the hierarchical structure.Make the decision do you want to sell your soul and the average masses out to the Illuminati? Satan is leading the Illuminati and it shall fail,but you must sell your soul to him to be part of the Illuminati.Best of luck on your quest.
  • I think there can only be one member right now: Firebrand. I just hope she doesn't talk to herself.
  • Isn't there some sweepstakes to enter?
  • Well since I'm a member in good standing (illuminati lodge 5760, Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky) I can get you in. First you need to learn the secret handshake. Then you need to sacrifice a goat and drink it's blood after engaging in a ritual in which we will all wear goat masks and have sex before burning some bodies inside a giant wicker man. After that, Ice cream social!
  • You have to be nominated by a current member.
  • Its too bad you asked this question on AB. We are just about to invite you to join - we had taken a vote, bought you a robe, even bought the cheese for the reception - everything. Unfortunately, now that you have mentioned us in public, we will never be able to include you in our order. Sorry.
  • Psssst hey u.....yeah i'm talking to u, come here everything u need to know is in this book when ur ready to choose between the red or blue capsule call me.....

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