• Sure, but you have to chop stuff off to do it. Not a very popular solution.
  • I'm 6'7, and I have the same problem. Standing on my knees worked, but I coudn't run. Dug a hole, but I could't move. So, now I go out in slippers and slouch a lot. Now I appear to be 6'2.
  • In some countries if your caught stealing they chop a hand off...Maybe if you stol it with your feet and made your get away in a hand stand. Other than that I think you may be stuck. It's easier to stunt your growth before you are full grown... I have heard of a risky procedure in asia where they physically cut the lower leg bones and stretch them a little and let them heal longer, so people can be taller. Could be the opposite for getting shorter, but sounds painful, likely to get infected, and like it would take a long time to recover.
  • it depends what age you are. if your young then you can just use a heavy backpack
  • Not and be able to move freely and without surgery. Once the bones get to a certain height, it is there for good. True, the spine compresses as we age. But, short of dangerous surgery, there is no way to become shorter once you reach a given height. (And I don't think waiting for your spine to deteriorate is a workable solution, either.)
  • Put youself in your washing machine on a hot wash.
  • I wish.
  • I wish.
  • Realistically no. However, if you do not believe me, I can come over and hit you repeatedly in the head with a 20 pound mallet. That could make you go down a couple inches lol. Just kidding of course :)
  • jump off a cliff and break your legs
  • Why on earth would you want to be shorter!? I'm about 5'9" and it was so hard to find someone I could even wear high heels with. Now I have my fiance who's 6'6" and I love it! I know many guys that would love to have your "problem" and a few women who want to meet a guy w/ your height. Be happy with who you are and others will be too.
  • you could trade bodies with me! i'm 5'0! if you can't find a way, then you can come help me get things off the top shelves in the kitchen and pantry! i can never reach anything!
  • No, you have to wait for osteoporosis or old age to set in (or both) and you will lose a few inches then.
  • If you stand up more often, you will become shorter. If you do not eat vegetables very often, you will not grow as fast. If you eat or breathe in AuRn, you will become VERY short, which happened to me, and I have not recovered from that, so I don't recommmend that. I would suggest standing up more often. It would work faster if you can sleep standing up.
  • Yeah just cut half of your legs off! LOL J/K
  • im so sorry but there is no way in this world for u to become shorter and i no cause im 5 ft 11 and always look up crazy things to become shorter like cutting of half ur legs and stictching them back togeter lol not gonna happen but look on the bright side u have the ability to reach things in high places and people will look up to u in life
  • Unlike most people on this forum, I can relate to what your saying. This world isn't designed for tall people over 6ft 3" and it becomes very awkward when you meet a group of people and you are at least 1 foot above the tallest person, especially girls. It makes you feel like a giant. You cant imagine it until you are it. But you just have to accept what yourve been given and make the most of it. At least your not disabled or hanicapt. Look at it that way.
  • not tht i know off why would u want to be shorter anyway? thts one heck of an amazing hieght! as a girl its so hard to find tall guys - for me and most of my friends tall guys are such a turn on! im 5'7, i cant really wear heels often cuz of it since guys over here are around my hieght or 5'10 - you should be heck proud of ur hieght! show it off!
  • Why the HELL would you want to be SHORTER? What's wrong with being TALL, for heaven's sake?!?

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