• New York, NY. That's why there is a Holland tunnel.
  • New York City -- After the British seized Manhattan from the Dutch in 1664, they changed the name from 'New Amsterdam' to 'New York' -- This was to indicate that the land was the possession of the Duke of York (later King James II of England)
  • Manhattan Island was changed from Niew Amsterdam to New York in 1664 when the British fleet surrounded it and demanded surrender. The Dutch settlers had little choice, as their own country had pretty much abandoned them, not wishing to go to war with England over such a "puny" little island across the Atlantic which gave so little returns. They were more concerned about the Dutch East Indies. It was a walk-in for the British. The city of New York on the mainland came gradually...later.
  • Actually, the people of New Amsterdam so detested their governor Peter Stuyvesant that they refused to come to his defense when England came to attack and conquer. So New Amsterdam was captured without a fight. The Holland Tunnel has no connection to New Amsterdam, Holland or The Netherlands. It is named after the Chief Engineer who built most of the tunnel (before he died), Cliff Holland.
  • New York. Learned that in high school over 50 years ago and this is the first time I've used that knowledge.

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