• Its a misprint, keep it, hold on to it, I'm sure that there would be several people that would want one. I saw a collection where someone had managed to get quarters that were in phases of the moon. Its not worth too much to some one on the street (a nickel or nothing) but on Ebay, I'm sure you could get something. I don't know the rarity, and I'm not sure the condition of the coin, but you could probably get something.
  • I think you need to go to a coin collector to get it appraised. It could be worth a mint unless you soldered the other side and then repressed it to make it appear as such then they would see through that but otherwise get it appraised.
  • Misprinted coins are collectibles but if it is just worn or been tampered with it is pretty useless. If your not sure you can take it to a collector and they can tell you what it may be worth.
  • You have a mis-strike that could have happened at the mint site. If that's the case it is worth something. It could be a little or a lot, but it will be more than face value. Keep it and have it checked out! Those are the collectors dream coins!

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