• I don't think so. Red, white and blue is also on the flags of France, Russia, Slovenia, Britain, Australia and a bunch of other countries. Respect is a misused word these days.
  • I do not believe any disrespect was intended. I had never thought anything of it, because our flag is red, white and blue as well. I thought maybe the people were showing that their store was patriotic towards America.
  • If this was done on a U.S. flag in the U.S. it would be a sign of disrespect. It wouldn't be a good thing for your business or personal reputation in this country. A red, white and blue flag of the word OPEN but not a copy of the U.S. flag itself, would not be considered wrong. People dress in those colors, paint their property with that color combination and it is considered patriotic BECAUSE red, white and blue are the colors of our country's flag. Maybe things are different in the Netherlands, but if you are in the USA, learn what is socially acceptable here before you get all wound up. We have no reason to know what flag your country has and also no reason to disrespect it, or any other flag. You are seeing a problem where there is none.
  • I think it should be altered in some way, if Dutch folk were offended. I know Americans would have a hard time with a Dutch store writing "OPEN" on an American flag, although I don't think this was the intent of the stores.
  • No, since I believe over a dozen countries have these three colors in their flag at last count, including the USA. I've not heard of any of these dozen or so countries getting offended at such a thing, so why should you?
  • I've never seen a flag like that in a store, but bunting DOES come in red, white and blue stripes and is used quite often...just not as a flag. Perhaps the signage you saw was bunting. Something like that would only be disrespectful if there was intent to disrespect. Freedom of speech allows disrespect in the US. Our own flag is disrespected on a daily basis -- even in our own country. I'm sure that, with the Muslim cartoon thing and all coming out of The Netherlands, that you are all a little more "edgy" about what is respectful and what isn't. It isn't really an issue here. The concept of freedom of speech is more important than respecting a country, a people or a religion.
  • Why should he? How about, i open a store and use the American flag to display the word open because it contains the same colors of the Dutch flag and nobody here would even know i use the American flag what would you think? Ive been there 3 months and saw for even the most lamest stores the dutch flag hanging out side.. in the first place you think: hey dutch store... It is very disrespectful and lame to use another countries flag and WRITE ON IT.. you should NOT write on our flag, any lame answer to that is incorrect you can not say its right. I think the Americans live WAY to isolated and think the rest of the world is below USA even tho we have a big part of theire history. Some of these people saying its right probably have dutch ancestors what they don't even learn in school. To be serious i think it started that way, dutch people who made America used the dutch flag and the stupids used it later for that store because they didn't knew it was the dutch flag... I do think its weird it still happens because our flag existed even before USA was found:S I shit on any answer to this talking about the colors because its about using the DUTCH FLAG not just the colors. gr
  • I've just read the origianl post and all of the answers and comments up to this date. Vet Pathology, I've been in the USA most of my life, and I can't visualize the type of store sign to which you're referring. Your question is valid, but in my opinion, your anger is not. There are two possibilities to consider here: 1) Right or wrong, good or bad, it is a fact that not everyone on the planet is familiar with the Netherlands flag. I know that I myself never even considered it until I read your post. Perhaps the people who display(ed) this offending sign in their stores don't (didn't) know it resembled your countries flag. If that is true, no offense was intended. 2) Is it possible you saw the signs in places where many Dutch people live? Perhaps instead of insulting your flag, they were paying it some type of homage, I do not know. If you had spoken with the shopkeeper and asked about the signs, PRIOR to choosing to be offended, I'm sure one or the other possibility I've raised may have explained the slight, or at least brought up a third (and more accurate) answer. Either way, I've often found that conversation is much more effective easier than anger, even though anger is much easier to arrive at.
  • You're right at anger being wrong, but when you are writing on a certain flag i guess you have to check if you are writing on a country flag? In Holland Michigan you see the dutch flag allot as well, here it means the dutch flag while American people think its the alternative flag of the united states because its used everywhere for the alternative American flag to write on... I understand you don't see a problem in this case which is normal until you would see your flag being used as paper and the country you're in thinks its theire alternative flag while you KNOW its your country flag and your country flag is older then the country you're in. Its possible that this flag has something to do with the netherlands, we colonized allot there, there were 3 dutch presidents etc but pls at least let the people know that there is more then just USA because thats frustrating (i mean, they only know the english history there so change education..). I don't know about rights on a certain flag but i don't think you can just copy a flag to write on and i think its kinda dumb that that happens. Trust me its frustrating, with all respect, i guess you haven't really traveled trough USA, i have been in 20 states and you see it in every state and village (last week hillary clinton on tv with the dutch flag behind her and no intension...) I am frustrated about it and thats the reason i joined this discussion. I think this only happens in USA not think about the rest of the world (i don't attack the people because most of them are awesome) i just strongly feel i have to post my opinion:P
  • Haven't seen one anywhere in this part of the country (central Texas), yet. Personally I consider it a bit too "correct" to have to research everything .... even such a flag! ..... because someone half way around the world might be offended. There needs to be more respect for the U.S. flag right here in the U.S. before we start pointing any fingers. And speaking of such, why is it that we seem to see so many "patriotic"(??) auto dealerships and other businesses fly the flag 24-hours daily, regardless of the weather.
  • Aaaaactually, the Netherlands flag was orange, white and blue. Why you changed it in 1937 to match the colors of our Stars and Stripes is your business. How we display our national colors is ours. . I can imagine it is annoying, but such annoyances happen when we travel in other countries. . Look on the bright side: we're not doing it out of disrespect. Most of us haven't the slightest idea where the Netherlands are and are not overly concerned with your flag. . As for flag disrespect, ours gets burned constantly and purposefully by people in other countries. Wanna trade?

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