• The other line is generally located on or near the reciever/drier closer to the firewall, (looks like an aluminum can). The one by the radiator is usually the high pressure side. You may want to try On the right of their home page, they have free repair guides online that might even give you a diagram to work from. Edit: Just a reminder, if your system is empty, it likely has a leak. Charging it without repairing it will result in it going empty again. A waste of money for you and bad for the environment to boot.
  • Since the first answer is wrong (thanks for trying though) I'll answer it for anyone who happens to have a 92 skylark. I have heard that GM did several 92 and maybe 93 models like this, so this may help others too. It is located underneath at the front of the engine. You may be able to see it if you look real close down behind the fan. You can't see it just by looking under the car, it is just high enough to be out of view, and far enough to be out of reach unless you have Shaq-size arms. The best way to reach it is to jack the car. Pretty ridiculous to have to do that just for the ac, especially with the high pressure port at the top, right behind the radiator. I bet a lot of people tried to recharge it with the high pressure port. It's in the perfect spot for it. Plus being r-12, the caps are not labled, they are both black! I don't understand why GM designed them that way, it's pretty senseless. But I guess they learned because newer cars don't usually do that. At least they have colored caps to show what port they are, that also helps you find them easier since they aren't generic black.

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