• I work on a sliding scale... depends on how much the person being targeted deserves it. If you are poor, and the target really and truly deserves it... Gratis. If you are wealthy and the target may or may not deserve it... A million.
  • It would depend on whom the target is. I mean, someone who truly deserves to die (murderer acquitted by jury nullification [think OJ Simpson trial], serial rapist/child molester) would be fairly cheap, but an apparent paragon of virtue (clergyman, peace activist) would be quite expensive. Of course, there's also the security surrounding the target. Going up against the US Secret Service, for example, would entail a rather large fee in and of itself...
  • Really, it depends on how much it would cost me to remove the person from this world....and also on how much risk I would be putting myself in.
  • 5K a shot
  • Base price is 250K paid up front. A bit more if I deem the person to be "high profile". Also, my name would be Dragan.
  • Free...give me the list of convicted pedophiles.

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