Especially when U put it like that. Yes it annoys me very much. lol Sorry had to do it :) I use lol alot but i don't like to use text unless i am Texting
Not really. I don't do it much, but it's just personal preference. I think if you know how to spell things correctly, you might as well.
Yes. I much prefer clear communications using standard English.
Lolz @ ur q. I h8 it wen ppl use internet slang.
Yep- but I'm an old fuddy-duddy.
only when they do it to an extent - one or two "Ur"'s or so arnt a problem - but when people ask questions like "omg my bf n I r lyke ttlly n lurve shewld wii have secks"? THat shits annoying
I am okay with abbreviations in text messaging, and to a lesser extent, instant messaging. For instance, u in place of you is okay for a text message, when you are working with a limited number of characters per message and a slower typing speed, but not okay for an instant message. At least those are my personal rules for obnoxious abbreviations; I certainly don't think there is a "style guide" for such forms of written communication.
not when they say LOL or LMHO but for words like you (u) the number 2 for the word to or too. I also don't like waz up. It's probably just me though.
If I don't know what they're abbreviating, yes.
If I told you what I thought I would offend too many people in computer land.
Depends? If I'm playing a game for instance and I'm communicating with someone, the quickest method to get the text out of the way is best. However if I'm just chatting it up online... yes I find it annoying that someone can't take an extra half a second to write a full word.
It doesn't annoy me, but once they do I assume they're stupid and talk to them accordingly.
i think that "text speak" is prostituting your literacy. abbreviations are sometimes necessary if you have a limited amount of characters such as a text message or even when posting a comment on this website. but in emails????? unnecessary!
Nope i do it all the time. I txt alot so.
No not at all. I do it sometimes even. Dind't use to until about 2 months ago and decided everyone was using the short cuts so I went to doing it. thx
Certain of them like LOL and IMHO, I don't mind and use them myself all the time but sometimes, these kids just get on and abbreviate everything to the point that it makes your head hurts
For casual purposes,most of the time it does not bother me. Language is arbitrary to begin with. As long as I understand exactly what they mean, why should I care if it's abbreviated or even misspelled.
NO. It goes right along with the fast-paced world we're living in! Mis-spelled words,maybe...but if u r one who text messages alot, the shortening of a word, gets the point across quickly. Its not like we are in grammar class!! Y would you write, "laugh out loud", when u could just lol!!!
what's IMHO? i don't really mind it unless i don't understand what the hell they are trying to say.
I am not an english major or anything. Hell spell check is my best friend. But I do agree that it is getting a little two carried away and it is just plain lazy.
Yes if they do it a lot or use terms that I'm not familiar. But if it's a stray abbreviation or two, I really don't mind as long as I can understand what they are saying.
Not as long as I can understand what they are saying.
6-19-2017 f u cn rd ths u cn gt a btr jb & mo pa in cptr prgmng
Linda JoySure beats the crap outa that wordy COBOL!!!
Not as long as I can understand what they're saying.
Not at all. It's their writing and their mess, not mine. 😆
It depends on the context, in a text from a friend I don't mind, in a professional communication it doesn't create a good impression of the person who sent it. I've had student's work submitted written in "text" & after checking the student wasn't registered as dyslexic I returned it with a request it be rewritten in English.
for texting it's fine, but when you are writing otherwise, you should use your best spelling so people won't think you're a moron.
I don't mind lol but only when people actually lol. I really hate false lolling.
Using shortcuts in writing , communication doesn't bother me as long as the communicating is understandable for me.
Life is waayyy too short to stress over such BS!!! LoL
IDT it bothers most ppl. 😊
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