• Soapy water and toothbrush.
  • i use baby wipes for hammies and ratties.
  • find a small tree hang it by its legs an rip it open gut it remove the hair, deepfrying is best' with a few vegges' !
  • Hamsters will usually groom and clean themselves. Unless your hamster has gotten into a substance that it can not clean itself, you should never clean them. The oils in their fur protects them from illnesses.
  • I use bunny shampoo and warm water. Only when their fur is hoarse and somewhat caked. Then cuddle them in towels till they're dry. Usually once every 3 weeks, a month or so. Other than that, I use chinchilla sand bath. Or fregrant sandbath.
  • Just wipe them off with a damp cloth. don't use soap. They do clean themselves, so you shouldn't have to do much, unless it has wet-tail. In that case, call vet.
  • where has it been?
  • First off never ever actually bathe a hamster in water or wipe them with a cloth espeically if using soap. They can get colds very easily and they can die from colds. Washing them off also strips them of their natural oils. If they get into something then use an unscented baby wipe. Hamsters can groom themselves and shouldn't need help. If your hamster smells then you should be cleaning out the cage more often.
  • you dont. hamsters are clean animals and groom themselves daily at least. if you think your hamster is not grooming itself properly, you may want to take him to the vet...he might be ill. may have an allergy to something in his cage and not want to lick himself. try cleaning the cage and changing bedding maybe.
  • Ok, was going to answer with instructions, as if you'd been hamster hunting, but figure it'd get DRed so bad that I'd better not.
  • i say you should never bathe a small rodent because they can breathe in the water and get upper respitory infection. if you need to get a warm cloth and if needed baby shampoo run the cloth over them and then hold there body under running water careful not to get it in their face and then dry asap
  • In the washing machine. Actually, I think they groom themsleves.

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