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  • maybe they want to have better quality company.
  • I don't know why guys feel the need to lie for sex at all. What kind of lies have you been told?
  • Not all guys are like that, but I'm sure you know that already. I know one guy who basically told me that he can be the biggest man whore he wants to be, but when it comes to the girls he has sex with, they have to be clean. If they are not, it disgusts him. Double standard? Yeah, I'd say so.
  • This whole premis is so disturbingly wrong on so many levels. People aren't pieces of fruit to be graded! And if we speak of 'quality' what type of guy needs to lie to get sex anyway? The double standards here are twisted.
  • Because they get off on hurting a girl! Only a a peice of Crap would do that to a girl!
  • maybe the guy wants to be with a good girl. maybe thats the thing that attracts him to her. it is ashame tho that guys lie to have sex tho... im a guy and it does irritate me when guys do makes good guys like me have a bad name...
  • becuase everyonne loves a good girl gosh its called lighten up and try and get some for yourself release that tenchion :)
  • If a girl is really good, she will never be traped by a bad guy, wait for the right guy, right guy will never be in hurry for sex and will never lie, if he is in real love and you love him too, its 2 way traffic.

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