• Both are ways of changing one's behavior. Operant conditioning is based on the idea of reinforcing certain behaviors over others. Classical is pairing two stimulis: one that natuarally elicits a response and one that is put with it to be associated with that stimuli and elicit the same response. Both are ways of learning that are based on behaviors and the environment of the person or animal, not cognition. Also, both are proven to work.
  • Operant conditioning is when a behaviour that acts upon the person/animals environment is reinforced/punished (Such as teaching a pidgeon to peck a button, to deliver a food pellet). Classical Conditioning, or Pavlovian conditiong(as La Dulce Andrieta explains) is the pairing of a previously neutral stimulus to another stimulus which already has a paired response (Such as the case of little Albert, in which a baby was presented with a fluffy white rat toy, then had a loud noise sounded behind him. The loud noise would elicit an already conditioned response of fear in the child. Eventually the loud noise and its response of fear was associated with the fluffy white rat, and in fact anything fluffy, or white). The similarities of these two (different) types of learning are that they both developed out of the behaviourist school of Psychology, they can both be used to increase or decrease the instances of a behaviour and that they can both be demonstrated in animals and humans or differing cognitive capacities.

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