• Why burn perfectly good clothes? Answer given to me is in the birthday suit.
  • I was told my grandfather was cremated in a suit.
  • Raff, I have no idea why you got DRed.
  • cothes because nude will be nasty
  • I'm guessing nude. If clothed would they have to remove the metal parts of the clothing? Zippers and buttons. BTW What’s the deal with the DR Raff? It's a legit question. Here…have a couple of mine.
  • Ok here is the scoop. Here in the US they do cremate you in your clothing. If you want the jewelery you must remove it before the body is sent. if the person has a pacemarker it has to be removed because they can explode. a magnet is used afterwards to remove any metal from buttons of jewelery left behind. Many do not know but a complete cremation is a two-step process. Firstly, the actual exposure of the deceased to several hours of intense heat and flame; after which the remains are mostly ash except for certain bone fragments, then the entire remaining ash and fragment volume is gathered and run through a processor, creating a uniform powder-like texture.
  • Clothed.
  • I think it really depends on which state or country it is performed in ...I know some do it in the nude( for health reasons) and others make you remove any metal bits...buttons,rings etc.... and why you got D/R'd is beyond me sheriff...another perfect reason to get rid of the D/R points altogether!...:):)+
  • How embarassing it must be, to have to get burnt NAKED !
  • Clothes, especially if there has been a viewing beforehand. Otherwise, the body is wrapped in a sheet and/or encased in a body bag.
  • Hopefully, clothed. When I go up in flames, I want to wear clothes made with 100% cotton. Personal preference I guess. I don't know what kind of environmental impact would be made when synthetic fabrics are burned.
  • My Dad was cremated with a maroon-coloured robe on, which the people at the undertakers dressed him in after they took his body there. They actually asked me if i wanted him to wear his own clothes, suit etc, so as far as i know, they don't take any clothes off them to be cremated.

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