• First, it is important to know that the speed of sound differs in different environments. Things to take into account are temprature and/or humidity. The common measure of the speed of sound at sea level is approx. 340.29 m/s (meters per second). If we want to get technical about it, it is approximately 331.4 + 0.6T m/s where T is the temprature in degrees Celcius. So for example, if the temprature is 14.8 degrees Celcius, then the speed of sound is 331.4 + 0.6(14.8) m/s = 340.28 m/s.
  • Sound travels in air, at sea-level, with a temperature of 20 Degrees C, at 343 meters per second. The medium (air, fresh water, sea-water, steel, rock, etc.) is an importand consideration when calculating the speed of sound, as is temperature, humidity, impurities and pressure. Gases, such a Hydrogen can host sound speeds of nearly four (4) times that of air and sea-water can host speeds nearly five times faster than air. Solids can accommodate even faster speeds. The sound of speed at high altitudes, say 50,000 feet, would have a greater ground speed than sound travel at sea level. General, density affects the speed of sound, such as sea-water being nearly 800 times the density of air, where sound travels nearly five (5) times faster. On the other hand, Hydrogen will support a sound speed nearly four (4) times faster than air, so the physical properties of each material should be considered before calculating sound speed. 'Hope this is helpful.
  • 340.29 m / s
  • At sea level, at a temperature of 70 °F and under normal atmospheric conditions, the speed of sound is 769 mph, or 1128 ft/s (661.5 kt).
  • About.... Mach 1 ;) But seriosuly, depending on environmental conditions, it can change. At sea level, at a temperature of 21 °C (70 °F) and under normal atmospheric conditions, the speed of sound is 344 m/s (1238 km/h, or 769 mph, or 1128 ft/s or 661.5 kt). -
  • 344 meters per second. or 1238 kilometers or 769 miles per hour
  • Check out the answers already given at How fast is the speed of sound?
  • 770 mph
  • speed of sound at sea level = 344 m/s or 1230 km/h, or 770 mph, or 1130 ft/s The speed will vary based on the temperature.
  • Around 761mph or 1225 km/h
  • It depends upon the medium through which it is travelling. SG gave the speed of sound in air at sea level at standard temperature and pressure. This will vary depending upon the density, temperature, inclusion of the material, etc.
  • the speed of sound goes at different speeds at differnt temperatures. -0°= 1403 meters per second -50°= 1541 meters per second -100°= 1543 meters per seconds CRN age 88
  • 670MPH 343.3 meters per second

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