• I feel a loss for the young men and women who have lost their lives, I pray for them and their families. What has happened to this world is that we have become aware, mostly through advancements in communication. The media lives for "If it bleeds it leads", so we will know about it. We can and do know what happens around the world an hour ago. There has always been war, oppression, hatred and attrocities. The unfortunate aspect is that we can now all know about it right now. The fortunate aspect is that hopefully people can learn the futility of these things and appreciate how wonderful peaceful life can be.
  • Atrocities have been going on as long as man has lived. Nothing new.. The instant media has just made us more aware of what has being going on for millennium but gives us a sense that it is a new phenomenon.
  • I find it extremely disturbing. We are worried about getting their government together, but what about the mental anguish of those kids seeing such horrific things. Our soldiers are being treated for PTSD when they come home, I think that these people also need to be treated. We are helping to breed more hate by not doing so. These kids very well may grow up to resent the U.S. for the things that they saw growing up and they might become terroists themselves out of disgust.
  • It is very sad and a big tragedy. But what is the solution?
  • it's bad but in all honesty I don't think the world is any more dangerous, disgusting and full of death than any other time in history, we humans just find new, more efficient ways to administer it.
  • wow. a question that actually had sympathy towards the middle east, thank goodness. yes i'm horrified and sorry for them. i know a person whose family remembers being bombed out of their neighborhood - granted it was palestine, not iraq, but tragic nonetheless. there's so much wrong with this world, but there's progress being made too. i just hope the progress is enough to make a difference soon

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