• Vanilla Rum Balls 30 min | 30 min prep | 30 rum balls Ingredients 3 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 cup confectioners' sugar (150g) 3 cups vanilla wafer, crushed (Crush vanilla biscuits and use if you dont get vanilla wafers, 300g) 4 tablespoons dark corn syrup or golden syrup 1/2 cup dark rum (more or less, depending on personal tastes) extra cocoa or ground chocolate, to roll the rum balls in Directions 1In a large bowl, sift together the cocoa and confectioners' sugar. 2In a food processor or blender crush/crumble the vanilla wafers. 3Add the crushed vanilla wafers to the sugar mixture and combine. 4Add the remaining ingredients. 5Form the mixture into 1 inch (2. 5 cm) balls with your hands. 6The balls should hold together easily and retain their shape. 7If the mixture is too dry to hold together or too wet to form balls, you can easily adjust the consistency by adding rum/sugar accordingly. 8Sprinkle the extra cocoa or ground chocolate on a flat surface and roll the balls in to coat. 9Have'em on your cookie tray this year and watch'em vanish before you know it!

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