• It is very possible, but that's drastic. For weight loss that will actually be reasonable and easy to stick to (and there for keep off), a more reasonable goal is about 4-5 kgs a month.
  • Your doctor can tell you the best way to lose the maximum amount of weight that is safe for you.
  • cut out un junk foods eat fruit and veg watch out for meat fat and do lots f excersice
  • depends what your starting weight is. but 20 kg in 2 months is a high target. i agree with the other answers here, just be reasonable, it is better to loose 10kg of fat safely and efficiently than to drastically drop weight in a hurry because it will be harder to maintain. be sure to make some lifestyle changes, eat less junk/high fat foods, start to read the nutrient content before you eat something, you will be shocked. add more cardio exercise to your daily routene, even walking an extra few minutes helps. just take it easy, be educated and sensible, and stick to it. you'll be glad you did
  • Yes, it's possible, but this much in such a short time sounds like a VERY unhealthy way of going about it. You need a much more reasonable plan. Besides the dangers inherent with such rapid weight loss, your body tends to strike back later as it fights to get all the nutrients it needs that you deliberately starved it of.
  • I am 16 too : ) i was 75 kilograms and now i am 55 kilograms , in exactly two months. YES its hard YES you need a lot of will power and self discipline, and consolt your doctor before doing so . BUT OH MY YOU WILL FEEL AMAZING I DO =] - CLOTHING FREEDOM, SELF ESTEEM SO MUCH CONFIDENCE, EVEN TOOO MUCH =]
  • Yes. Absolutely yes. But one small piece of advice here. Don't fall into the hands of the weight loss program scams. There are countless number of scams who claim to have weight loss products that tends to reduce 20 kg in 2 weeks. That's impossible. Coming back to loosing 20kg in 2 months, here are some tips that I know. 1. Regular Cycling 2. Extensive walking 3. Drinking more and more water 4. Avoiding fatty foods like meat. 5. Taking Oats as a breakfast 6. Proper meditation 7. Regular outdoor games like Tennis and football. 8. Ideal sleep time (6-7 hours sleep) Sea food has nothing to do with body weight so sea food is good. Follow these and you will get the desired...
  • this is possible with extreme measures, but it will surely backfire as more crash diets do. by taking 4 months, you can healthily lose the 20 kg by exercising 4/5 times a week and eating a balance low fat diet filled with fruits and vegetables
  • i am 16 and just like you i do wanna lose 20 kg in 2 months!but i just dont know how to do it=('s probably hard but am willing for it.sxczoe can u tell us how u did it??!!

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