• probably to hold the world record and to get famous
  • She has got to be nuts
  • I don't know, I don't get it. Probably lonely and had the chance to do it, so went for it, but the child will be left without a mother too soon.
  • No idea. I just know it seems like it would be awfully unfair to the child - the kid could get to the point in life where s/he is ready to go to university, get an apartment, and do what people that age do, and may very well end up having to give all that up to take care of his/her 80-year-old parent. That just stinks, in my opinion.
  • Why should she not, men has always had children throughout their lives, getting married from 50 and up towards 65 and it has not been a problem if they are healthy and active people.It is all about health and activity. Many places the older parents function as the real parents to their less responsible children's children anyway, so age does not seem to matter much if people qualities and capasity are good.
  • I think it would be a selfish act. She should care about the baby and understand that it is not good for him/her to have such an old mother that will not be present during his/her difficult adolescent period, his/her wedding, raising a family, etc. It would be a very bad decision.
  • she mustt be a retardddd.. omggg bty teh time her child is 20 she gonna be dead
  • probably because she feels lonely how bout adopting an older child?
  • Senility has robbed her of her senses.
  • I have no idea , I find the idea rather sick and do not think it should be allowed giving IVF to post menopausal women. It seems unethical to me when there are much younger women who cannot have children but cannot afford the procedure.
  • mid-life crisis?

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