• bec of all the crime in schools
  • People do better in my opinion when they socialize with their peers.
  • There are definitely valid arguments against (and for) homeschooling, but I think the basic drive behind many people's opposition to homeschooling stems from the fact that they think of it as something "Abnormal" or "Just Not What You're Supposed to Do". I gave an answer not so long ago that I think provides a respectably thorough pro/con inspection of homeschooling. If you're interested, it might be worth your time to read through it:
  • Because they are taught that the government should be the one's to teach your children. And they hate Christians and they associate Christian nutjobs with homeschooling.
  • One reason I've heard many times is that children will not learn social skills.
  • Some people think that parents cannot be trusted to properly educate their children. They insist that children should receive a public education so that some outside authority can properly indoctrinate them in beliefs that that authority values. The fear is that parents will pass their values on to their children, weakening the grip of The Powers That Be(tm). That's overstating the matter a bit, I know, but that's certainly the message that I am hearing. Disclaimer: I am fully in support of homeschooling, although I think that steps definitely need to be taken to ensure that children are being adequately socialized. Homeschooling can potentially isolate kids from their peers, depriving them of the opportunity to mature emotionally. Still, if I have the means when I have children, I will seriously consider homeschooling. I just don't trust public education much any more.
  • The qualifications of the teacher (parent) are usually lacking. Some people homeschool for the right reasons and do a good job. The problem is when the parents do it just because they don't want to let go. There are a lot of people who homeschool but they do not invest enough time and attention to making sure they are providing a quality education.
  • People are against homeschooling because it upsets the balance of things. If more good students are pulled out of public schools and homeschooled, it makes public schools less desirable.
  • Fear, only fear. I was homeschooled and I'm fine and my 2 sisters a fine. NOt fine to MY standards but i hear people say, " they are so smart" and i say, yeah they're homeschooled. and they sat "Wow *O.O* really?" Having a highschool Dip is the same as a GED so theres nothing wrong. HAGD HF GL DD
  • my comments are all messed up, sorry
  • Watch the movie "Jesus Camp" and you'll see one of the major problems with homeschooling. Public schools may be sorely lacking in many areas, but there is typically a standard, unbiased curriculum. With homeschooling, I think there is way too much room for subjectivism and selectivism when teaching your child. The temptation would always be there to inject your own biased views and perspectives on what should be objectively presented information.
  • Sorry this was supposed to be in comments.
  • besides being jealous of kids who dont have to go to school everyday, the public schools lose money for their educational budgets. The Public School System is based on the number of students in school. Fewer students mean less teachers, less jobs with tenure, less money for computer labs and band and sports and drama and debate and swimming, etc etc etc.
  • i think the most seriouse reason is lack of socialise between the same ages. I think shool is not just the place for learning subjects but also learning communication. but i think it is not impossible to learn communication even in the homeschooling, but i think it is more difficult than going to school. it tooks much effort to leaning communication in homescholing because there are few opportunity to meet someone new in their learning environments
  • Typically those that are homeschooled don't have their social skills quite as honed. But from the people that I have met that were, all those shortcomings eventually went away once they went off to college or joined the workforce. This reminds me of how my friend's mom wanted to homeshool him because they were always moving at least twice a year (I think she was on the run from something), rather than constatly changing schools. One day I went with them to a place where they could buy homeschooling materials. The owner asked me a trivia question that I'm sure had stumped every other person before. He asked where the world's largest desert was, I knew the answer and I replied with Antarctica. He actually seemed mad that I knew.
  • I'm not against it but how is that possible how do you go about doing that?
  • Depends on the situation however some of it is a matter of believing a parent, who is not trained to teach or trained on the subject they are teaching, cannot fully be able to teach the child and field questions about the subjects. There is also the social aspect. I know children who were home-schooled until grade 8. These children have almost no friends because you meet your friends through school. They are isolated and barely see anyone besides their parents. This results in someone who is not a very rounded person.
  • Most families are looking for babysitters. The public school system provides just that, and more often than not, JUST THAT.
  • Here, go on this website: and read some of the stuff written by homeschooled people. If that doesn't answer your question, nothing will
  • Home schooling is hard to regulate. It can be wonderful for the child if done right, but the hard part is getting it right. There's also the fact that people that severely abuse their children will sometimes claim they are home schooling them to keep them out of the public eye. While that isn't something that happens a lot, if it does happen it's usually horrific abuse the children are being put through.
  • Im not against it. But i think school is better so children will be able to interact with other kids, because i think that ones they finish school they will get out to the world feeling very shy and uncomfterable. Going to school i think has many benifits, but then again some kids cant go to school for example when i was in high school i had a friend with cronic fetigue, and she couldnt go to school so she was home school, she had no choice which is fair enough but i wouldnt recomend homeschooling unless theres a reason.
  • kids who are home schooled miss the social experience and the company of other kids. when they get older, sometimes its hard for them to make friends, and if they cant makes friends, they could be ridiculed by others. some parents claim that it is in the best interest of the child to protect them from bullies,embarrasment ect. but i dissagree.
  • I was homeschooled and I would have to say a lot of it has to do with social skills and equivalency. I went through regular public school until 7th grade and was homeschooled after that. Until I moved away from home at 21 I could not function in social situations. I had anxiety attack just going to Wal-mart. I was afraid to talk to cashiers, associates, etc and I couldn't even talk to to someone I didn't know on the phone for years. Now I'm not saying it is impossible to be social while homeschooled but the parent needs to actively take the child to gatherings and such because that child will become withdrawn, anti-social, and honestly will be behind others of their age. I'm not sure where homeschool is nowadays but when I went through it it was a joke. Everything that counted for the year was on one test, if you passed that you passed the grade. I was not required to take algebra, calculus, trigonometry, or anything else but the very basics. To this day my homeschool certificate is the equivalent of a GED. Why not send the child to public school or even private school where they will have the proper educational products at their fingertips and hone the social skills needed for today's society? I know I've ranted but my point is social interaction is very important in a child's adult life as well as proper education. While the one on one method is a good idea it is flawed in the sense that the parent will give up if the child is unruly or decides not to get up on time whereas a real teacher has no choice but to teach when they are scheduled to. I thank community college. Without its options for taking the most basic classes and building up I wouldn't know half of what I know today. Edit: By the way a GED is not viewed the same as a high school diploma. You are required to enter community college before you can enter a university. Not all homeschooling is christian based either.
  • I'm not against it for younger kids. By the time they are in Jr. High and High school, they really do need the peer interaction.
  • Kids who are homeschooled miss the opportunity to be liberally brainwashed by the school system, the chance to be molested and immorally influenced by the teacher and their peers. Gee, they sure are missing out on a lot. I haven't seen any actual figures on it lately but I believe that he test scores of home-schooled students rates even higher than those of private schools and academies.
  • it limits the social skills needed when they finally leave the nest. If you are raising your kids right at home, school shouldn't change that in such a dramatic way. I have a few friends who were homeschooled until highschool. They had a tough time adjusting for the entire first two years.(I went to a small K-12 private- christian school, so it wasn't a terrible change). When you shelter your kids, you stifle their development. If they are never exposed to certain things, they won't know what to do when they are 18 or 19 and are in their own. Wouldn't you rather have an awkward conversation about sex or drugs, etc. while your child is in middle school, or not have the conversation at all and let your kid find out for themselves in the real world at 18. Kids also need friends their own age. They need to meet different types of people also. If the only kids that your 14 year old hangs out with is your 12 year old and six year old, there is a problem.
  • It is because most people are ignorant to the facts about homeschooling. They like to follow the majority although this maybe not always be in their best interest. I homeschooled my 3 children but before doing this i looked at homeschooling vs public school and found that homeschooling would suit my children more rather than public school. Choosing the right cirriculum, method of teaching and resources is key to educating childen and motivating them. All children want to learn, it is how you skilfully connect with your child, draw out their natural enthusatism for learning and utimately their potential genius. http://www.homeschoolingvspublic
  • This is one of the reasons: , , , ,
  • Because they may be missing out on important social interactions that would teach them lessons that are vital to their later life. There may be a lot of problems with schools nowadays but thats only giving children a chance to learn from those problems.
  • Probably because it is very time consuming and they don't think the majority of parents who take it on are willing to devote what is needed.
  • Not all parents teach. They sign their kid up for an online program then go to work and the kid is alone. I'm against letting a kid hide out at home. Put the kid in therapy but stay in school. They can't learn socialization skills at home alone.
  • I think that's because they can't look at many things from a different perspective. They're used to the idea that only a public school can provide education, and they don't know that there are other options. Because the lack of socialization is a myth. If you raise a child and regularly organize his communication with peers, he will be quite socialized.
  • "Home schooling doesn't teach you the most important social skills you will need later in life, that are just as important as, if not even more important than, the topical subjects you do learn." My friend, in 10th grade, who had been homeschooled up to 9th grade.
  • Some would say they don't get social interaction, but that's a choice. With home schooling a child can work part time and get not only socialization, but other skills that can't be gotten in school like job experience, customer service skills, communication skills and what ever other skills they can learn at their job. Another reason many are against it is because it takes work, they can't just send their kids off to be babysat at school.
  • Mostly because they are against God
  • I'm all for homeschooling if I didn't have to work.
  • It's their right. Both forms of education have pros and cons. To learn more about homeschooling, I invite you to read this article:
  • Depends. It can be anything from the high instances of abuse and CPS intervention in homeschooling to children not getting a well rounded enough education. I've only ever met one homeschooled person in my life, she was bright and her parents were medical professionals. She wasn't very socially aware herself, though i didn't see her as a very social person.

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