• 1920 in the u.s. i can only guess that it was 1928 in canada, but i'm not sure. i know it was allowed in the uk in 1928. since canada is part of the commonwealth (great britain's bitches), it would make sense that the dates are the same
  • 1918 in Canada, 1920 in the US
  • I believe it was 1920 in the US
  • Canadian provinces granted women the right to vote in different years from 1916-1940. Women were granted the right to vote in the US in 1920, with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Canadain women got the right to vote in all of Canada in 1918 and in provincial elections even earlier, in 1916. This is easily verified by simply doing a Google search.
  • Actually, the answer is a bit more complicated than it originally appears. Women had the right to vote from 1790's. Only 7 of the original 13 colonies had this right (those who carried the Federalist and Quaker vote). New Jersey is the state most known for this. There were stipulations that had to be met like they had to be of "worth" like "50 pounds or more" and had to live in the township 12 months prior to the election. Women and Black people had this right to vote but it was later repealed in 1807 and was only granted to "white males". In 1872 Susan B. Anthony voted in an election in Rodchester, New York but was later arrested for it. When the 19th Amendment was added giving women the right to vote it was called the Anthony Amendment. She died 13 years before this amendment was passed. The amendment was passed in 1920 after the Women's Sufferage Movement which was spearheaded by Alice Paul and many other brave women who were thrown into prision, beaten, starved, and finally released.
  • For Canada each provinces had a different date. In 1916 women in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manatoba. In 1917, BC and Ontario. In 1918 Nova Scotia. In 1919 New Brunswick. In 1922 PEI. In 1925 Newfoundland. And in 1940 Quebec finally got the right to vote in Canada.

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