• Ask her out on a date. Slowly show her that your not only interested in her friendship, but also her.
  • you know dude i have the same problem.but my answer is dont tell her u love her more than a friend.tell her you love her as a friend and that you are there for her.that is what i still her friend though just we are a lot closer.but if you are set on telling her you are in love with her.give her a gift and tell her.say something like i love you and i am there for you anytime you need me.
  • By making him or her feel so special that he or she doesn't want to tell anyone else because he or she knows or feels like everyone else won't believe him or her. I had a guy do that to me once. He was so good at it. He was so nice and kind and sweet to me and told me he loved me a lot. I didn't really want to tell anyone because I felt like they wouldn't believe me. We still talk when we see each other, but we don't really talk on MSN. Maybe you could try being like him. I don't recommend you trying it if you would feel like you're trying to be someone you're not, though.
  • talk to the person when they are not near their other friends and just tell them how you feel and if they say no tell them you understand and you still want to be friends ( I had this happen but the friends found out i was embarrassed but it goes away after a little while) atleast you had the guts to tell the person how you felt

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